
5 Reasons to Continue Your Education to the University Level

5 Reasons to Continue Your Education to the University Level

Given the current state of the Nigerian economy, many people are tempted to enter the business world after completing their basic education. And believe me, everyone has the right to choose. However, if you were forced to choose between a university education and starting a business, there are a few things you should consider before making your decision.

You Can Do Both

You should never be led astray by the notion that you must choose between them. It is possible to pursue a tertiary education while also running a successful business. Many people have done it successfully. So all you need to ask yourself is, “Do I have the necessary discipline and focus?” You can cultivate both because you will need these qualities later in life.

Better Job Prospects

True, the labor market is a difficult one to navigate. Having a degree will not make finding work any easier, but it will provide you with more options. Did you know that only 15% of those who graduated in the last six years are out of work? When compared to the 27% of people who are unemployed after leaving school within the last six years and have no higher education, we know which group we’d rather be in!

More money

Many young people prefer to make quick and easy money by starting a business to spending 4-6 years in a tertiary institution. However, the truth is that you will eventually make more money. There are graduate training programs that will allow you to accelerate your career, and this trend will continue. Working at a higher level will result in a higher salary that will only increase over time. It’s simply a matter of time

New skills

A tertiary education will greatly enhance your ability to grow, expand, and learn. Along with training your mind, youll learn many new, transferable skills, such as how to work in a team, give an effective presentation, and communicate effectively with others. This may not be possible in a business where you are limited to a single set of skills.

Great Experiences

You will remember and learn from your university experience. There will be happy and sad times, but you will be glad you participated. Living in a community and developing a vibrant social life are all part of the university experience. When you’re not studying, let your hair down and have a good time!