
How to Optimize Your Memory to Remember What You Study or Read

How to Optimize Your Memory to Remember What You Study or Read

How to Optimize Your Memory to Remember What You Study or Read

Do you want to learn how to make your studying time more effective? Want to grasp the material more quickly? Check out this post.

Your memory works in three stages:

1.       Attention

2.       Encoding: Storing/associating with other info

3.       Retrieval: Remembering

In order to optimize the final stage (remembering), you have to optimize the first two stages first. You need to pay attention to the material, and you need to encode it well. You will reinforce it if you repeat the process. The act of retrieving something helps bring your attention back to it, allowing you to re-encode it better than before.

To optimize encoding, remember the following pneumatic, GOAT ME:

  • G stands for generate and test. Ask yourself the questions and come up with the answers without having to read them. Even if you’re wrong, it helps more than just thinking about it. In other words, instead of just memorizing bullet points and writing, you should write an essay multiple times without cheating, review it, and repeat until you are able to write it without forgetting any important points.
  • O is for organize. You want to reduce the load on your brain and create shortcuts or recollections by coloring, positioning, or associating. A timeline, for example, helps one remember that event A happened before event B in history. After the position of the information becomes meaningful, it will be easier to retrieve.
  • A stands for avoid illusions of learning. There are two kinds of memory: recognition and recall. Recall is when you can remember the information on your own, as you might be expected to do on a test. In recognition, however, you can’t think of it on your own, but if you see it, you remember it. Study methods based on recognition should be avoided. After rereading material, you will assume you learned it, but chances are you won’t be able to recall any of it effectively.
  • T is to take breaks. Studies show that frequent, short sessions work better for memory than long cramming sessions. You should allow your brain time to store and organize the information you studied to prevent it from slipping away.
  • M stands for match learning and testing conditions. In order to optimize your memory, your study environment should be the same as your testing environment. The environment itself serves as a reminder in this way. Consider the noise level, size of the room, type of furniture, mood, comfort, etc.
  • E is elaborate. Consider the material in depth and make associations with it. Is it similar to anything else? Would you be able to make a song from it? Visualize it? Reminders are the key to successful memory. The term “one memory can be associated with another” inspired me to draw a figure.

Helpful Tips:

How to Improve Your intelligence Quotient

Enjoy Society and Culture

  1. Expose yourself.You should be active in your community, on social media, and in the world around you. As you become involved with other people, with other opinions, and with other ideas, the more you will learn. Though you may not always agree with what you learn or discover, by challenging your preconceived notions, you will either strengthen your own beliefs or adapt, grow, and adopt new beliefs based on new information.
  2. Be observant.Part of “being smart” means being aware of things at a higher level, and understanding (or coming to understand) the correlations among seemingly disparate or random events.
  • You see, for instance, that two cars, heading in opposite directions, collided head-on. If one were to think simply, one could say, “oops, accidents happen.” and move on. By expanding your observation, you may discover meta-factors that created the conditions that led to the crash: ice on the road may have caused one car to lose traction; or perhaps the two cars were traveling in opposite directions on a one-way street. Perhaps there was a dog in one car that, enticed by a dog on the side of the road, jumped onto the driver’s lap, causing the driver to lose control.
  • Expanding your observations can also lead to more productive areas, such as architecture, art, and astronomy, just to name a few.
  1. Listen to classical music.By listening to classical music for just 10 minutes, the Mozart effect has been shown to produce a short-term improvement of eight or nine points. This may have long-term effects, but it may require someone with a very high IQ to prove it!


  1. Read voraciously.Reading improves your ability to comprehend, as well as encourages you to think critically. A new book broadens your horizons, increasing your IQ.

Even reading different genres makes you more productive, as well as reading newspapers, current events magazines, multi-content magazines (such as the New Yorker), and even technical manuals.

  • You should choose a book that fits your reading level. Reading something that is too easy for you does nothing but entertain you, and while reading a novel beyond your reading level may raise your IQ, constantly referring to a dictionary will sap the joy of reading.


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