
The 4 Top Features  of 5G Network Versus 4G Network | Technology

Top features  of 5G Network

Top features of 5G network; Speed, capacity, and Consistency


today will be enlightening you on the 5G network and the top features of the 5G network


Speed is one of the most exceedingly expected essentials of the next-generation network.

5G is predicted 100 times faster than 4G. With speeds like that, you can download a two-hour film in less than 10 seconds, an assignment that takes about seven minutes on 4G

Rapid speeds have obvious consumer applications, including movie streaming and app downloads, but they will also be important in many other settings. Manufacturing experts discourse about the possibility of putting video cameras throughout a factory and very quickly gathering and exploring massive amounts of footage to monitor product quality in real-time.

Those speeds are possible because most 5G networks are built on super-high-frequency airwaves, also known as high-band spectrum. The higher frequencies can transmit much more data, much faster than on 4G.

But signals roving on the high-band spectrum can’t travel very far and have a hard time getting through walls, windows, lampposts, and other hard surfaces. That’s not very suitable when we want the tiny computers we carry around everywhere to continue working as we walk out of the subway station, down the street, and into the office.


In order to compensate for those tasks, wireless carriers building high-band 5G networks are installing tons of small cell sites (about the size of pizza boxes) to light poles, walls, or towers, often in relatively small proximity to one another. For that reason, most carriers are deploying 5G city by city — for the network to work, the city has to be full of those small cells.

It’s also probable that many buildings will get their own 5G cell sites to ensure the network functions inside.


We have all experienced that frustrating moment when you’re in a relatively small area with a bunch of people — a concert, sports stadium, or the airport during holiday travel season you will experience a tough time while trying to open a web page or play an Instagram video.

So many devices trying to use the network in one place can cause congestion. The network setup just can’t cope with mass numbers of devices, leading to slower data speeds and longer lag time for downloads.

5G is likely to solve that issue. The next-generation network is expected to have a large capacity of more than 4G. That will mean not only a superior connection for everyone’s phones, so you can easily boast on social media about being at the big game. It will be possible to connect many devices to the network.

Professionals compare the 5G network to the improved freeway with more lanes for more cars to drive on. This part of the update could create increased bandwidth for the internet era filled with connected toothbrushes, kitchen appliances, street lamps and more.



A small but significant difference exists between speed and dormancy, which is the time it takes for devices to communicate with each other or with the server that’s sending them information.

Speed is the amount of time it takes your phone to download the contents of a web page. Dormancy is the time between when you send a text to a friend’s phone and when their phone registers that it has received a new message. Although dormancy is measured in milliseconds, all those milliseconds add up when sending and receiving enormous packets of information for something as complex as video — or self-driving car data.

Dormancy is already low with 4G, but 5G will make it virtually zero.

That will be good for such new innovations as remote real-time gaming helping people in various parts of the world using wireless internet-connected devices to play a game and all be on exactly the same page at the same time.

It will be important for other technologies, such as self-driving cars, which will need to send signals about their environment over the internet to a computer in the cloud, have the computer analyze the situation, and return signals to the car telling it how to respond. To ensure the safety of self-driving vehicles (and their passengers), that communication needs to be instantaneous.



The massive speeds and capacity and low dormancy of 5G rely on the high-band spectrum. But high-band spectrum, with its lesser coverage areas, isn’t very reliable.

Even in cities where users say they have deployed 5G, it can be hard to stay connected to the network.

It’s likely that for quite a while, even after 5G-enabled devices become more widely adopted, people will use a mix of 4G and 5G. When you’re close to a 5G tower, your device will connect and access ultra fast speeds. When you are out of coverage, your device will revert back to running on 4G.

Other strategies for building out 5G provide greater reliability.

T-Mobile (TMUS) said last month it achieved a nationwide 5G network because, rather than using high-band spectrum, T-Mobile used mostly lower frequency airwaves to build its network. Those signals cover much wider areas and are better at traveling through walls and trees, but the “low-band spectrum” doesn’t provide the intense benefits we think of when we think of 5G.

For now, T-Mobile’s 5G network provides, on average, a 20% increase in download speeds compared to 4G LTE, according to a company spokesperson. That’s a plain difference from the 100 times-faster-than-4G speeds on high frequency 5G networks.

Eventually, both lower and higher frequency 5G will cover much of the country and we’ll get the best of both worlds.

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