

why studying microbiology , What is microbiology? (7) Seven easy steps to study microbiology, How to study microbiology why studying microbiology, where does microbiology comes in life, the reputation of microbes, where to work has a microbes, how to pass microbiology.

What is microbiology?

Microbiology is the study of all incarnate creatures that are too small to be discernible with the naked eye. This includes bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi, prions, protozoa and algae, collectively known as ‘microbes’. These microbes play key roles in nutrient cycling, biodegradation/biodeterioration, climate change, food spoilage, the cause and control of disease, and biotechnology. Thanks to their versatility, microbes can be put to work in many ways: making life-saving drugs, the manufacture of biofuels, cleaning up pollution, and producing/processing food and drink.

(7) Seven easy steps to study microbiology

Study hard on general biology and chemistry

Know key aspects of each biochemical tests

Use table and pictures to understand the concepts well

Take notes or record the lecture

Know important date such as quiz, exam, homework and paper due date

Check syllabus thoroughly and know your goal

Choose right professor’s class for microbiology

Why study microbiology?

The obvious answer is that it is fascinating subject. More specifically, although not immediately obvious, microbiology has a huge impact on our lives. Microorganisms are everywhere. They are in our environment, on our body, everywhere we go.

They help turning over soil and aquatic habitats.

They can aid digestion. Ectosymbionts live outside the cells of the host.  For example, bacteria that is on your skin and in your digestive tract.

They break down dead and decaying matter.

They can help in the environment. Bacteria are being used to help in clearing up after environmental incidents, such as oil spills.

They may live with a host to the benefit of both organisms.  These are called symbionts.  A symbiont is an organism that is closely associated with a host, a larger organism.  The symbiont will live on, in or near the host.  Symbiotic relations are usually positive but can be negative.

Endosymbionts live inside the host’s cells.  For example, in some plants the endosymbiontic bacteria lives in the root cells and helps the plant to grow.

Microorganisms also include pathogens, which are organisms that cause diseases in plants and animals.

Where Does Microbiology Come In?

Not all microorganisms are bad. Microbiology has helped to treat and prevent diseases which are caused by viruses, bacteria, protozoa and fungi.  In medicine, for example, microbiology led to the discovery and development of:

Antibiotics, and


Microbiology is not only relevant in medicine.  Microorganisms are also used in a wide range of industries such as –






… And more.

The Reputation of been a Microbes

Microbiology is important in so many different professions, including –




Laboratory work



Environmental engineering.

How to pass microbiology

There’s a lot you can do in and out of class to help you pass. Get a few more tips to help you plan your study time.

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